America is a place with edges. It’s multi-faceted and prismatic, and it hurts if you bump into it the wrong way.

Healers use herbs and splints to mend the body and stories to mend the spirit. But I have found that stories have an astonishing power to both harm and heal.  For those pursuing power and prestige, stories are used to divide us into groups that fear and hate each other.  For those seeking harmony and bettering the world, stories can unite and inspire us by giving us a chance to “walk in the shoes” of people different from us. And in one way or another, isn’t that just about everybody?

STORIES MATTER. As a teacher, storyteller, and filmmaker I have chosen to pursue healing over harm with stories full of laughter, conflict, and a striving to connect with the common yearnings of the human heart.

Rodney Vance

Who I've Worked With

Who I've Worked With